
BRANDT® Manni-Plex® K

BRANDT® Manni-Plex® K is patented foliar supplement providing highly mobile and available potassium throught the plant’s leaves.

BRANDT® Manni-Plex®B Moly

Manni-Plex® B Molly is an effective and efficient foliar nutritional supplement of boron and molybdenum, which greatly improves the absorption and movement of nutrients from the leaf cuticle to the growing points of the plant.

BRANDT® Manni-Plex® B

BRANDT® Manni-Plex®  B is a patented foliar supplement that provides highly mobile boron, available at the growing points.

BRANDT® Manni-Plex® Ca-Zn

BRANDT® Manni-Plex® Ca-Zn is a patented foliar supplement that provides highly mobile and available calcium and zinc at plant growth points. It is a highly effective tool to prevent and correct calcium and zinc deficiencies that can occur in the plant and improve overall plant health.

suplemento BRANDT manni-plex ca mg

BRANDT® Manni-Plex® Ca-Mg

BRANDT® Manni-Plex® Ca-Mg is a patented foliar supplement that provides highly mobile and available calcium and magnesium at plant growth points. 

BRANDT® Manni-Plex® Mg

BRANDT® Manni-Plex® Mg is a patented foliar supplement that provides highly mobile and available magnesium. It is an excellent tool to prevent and fix manganese deficiencies and improve plant health in general. 

especialidad nutricional de calcio brandt manni-plex ca

BRANDT® Manni-Plex® Ca

BRANDT® Manni-Plex Ca is a patented foliar supplement that provides highly mobile and available calcium at the growing points of the plant.

BRANDT® Manni-Plex® Zn

BRANDT® Manni-Plex® Zn is a patented foliar supplement that provides highly mobile and available Zn at the growing points. 

suplemento nutricional foliar brandt manni plex fe

BRANDT® Manni-Plex® Fe

BRANDT® Manni-Plex® Fe is a liquid fertiliser designed to correct iron deficiencies that may occur in different crops.