

Delivery of 1,000 masks and 1,000 doses of hand sanitizer to Carmona City Council to prevent COVID

BRANDT Europe has donated 1,000 doses of hand sanitizer and 1,000 masks to Carmona City Council to fight against the coronavirus epidemic. Specifically, our Managing Director, Manuel González, handed over the material to Mª Carmen García, Safety Officer, and Mª José Castejón, Social Services Officer of the Corporation. The donation will be delivered to the […]


It’s time to think about olive trees!

After the drops in temperature of the past few days, stimulating the buds that have “evolved” into flowers to ensure optimal flowering and fertilization is essential in olive trees. This is why a highly mobile boron is necessary to reach the inside of the flower, through the leaf and also through the tissue of the […]


Letter of support from BRANDT’s CEO to all employees

Rick Brandt, CEO of our parent company, has sent this letter of support to all of the group’s employees worldwide, thanking them for their heroic behaviour at this time and stressing that they are essential to maintaining the world’s food supply. “BRANDT team, While the COVID-19 virus is changing our lives, I would like to […]


Article in Joly Group media outlets about the application of Manni-Plex Calcium on California peppers with Blossom end rot

The newspapers of the Joly Group (Diario de Sevilla, Diario de Cádiz, Diario de Jerez, Europa Sur, Huelva Información, El Día de Córdoba, Granada Hoy, Málaga Hoy and Diario de Almería) have published an article about our product #manniplex calcium and its successful application on California peppers affected by Blossom end rot, 100% eliminating the […]


The Spanish Royal Decree declaring the State of Alarm specifies that the activity of companies dedicated to the production of fertilizers and inputs must be maintained

The Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has issued an explanatory press release, which can be read HERE, to specify that the activity of companies dedicated to the production of fertilizers and inputs must be maintained during the State of Alarm, given that they are essential to guarantee the food supply to the population. […]


COVID-19 state of alarm: our activity continues following the indications of the health authorities

In view of the alarming health crisis caused by the massive spread of the COVID-19 virus in Spain, BRANDT Europe has established strict preventive safety, hygiene and cleanliness measures, following the recommendations of the health authorities. First of all, we would like to clarify that our business activity continues, without incidents or supply problems, and […]


BRANDT EUROPE, at the Berlin Fruit Logistica trade fair

In February, Brandt Europe presented its product catalogue at Fruit Logistica 2020, a Berlin trade fair ranked as a global benchmark in the fruit and vegetable trade. More than 70 Andalusian firms participated at this event alongside Brandt Europe, given the importance of this market for Andalusian fruit and vegetable exports. The trade fair brought […]


EMEA… And now also China

When Brandt acquired the assets of the former Tragusa, it did so with the intention of serving the markets of Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) through its new subsidiary. The trade war between China and the United States, however, has opened up the geographic spectrum of our business horizon, and China has passed […]


Specialty products now account for a quarter of our business

In its first full year of operation, Brandt Europe’s turnover was 20.5 million. With a closing forecast this year of more than 24 million, in three years we will have registered turnover growth of 17%. But perhaps the most important aspect is that this growth has been sustained mainly in products with a higher added […]


We close 2019 with an export volume of 4.5 million

In the past three years we have increased our technological muscle and our production capacity, we have diversified our commercial portfolio and, in general, we have expanded our boundaries, including and specifically our geographic boundaries. Our company, initially focused on the Iberian market (Spain and Portugal), has now become an organization with a clear international […]


Commercial diversification: 50 new products with a clear focus on specialty products

While looking back over the first three years of BRANDT Europe, we must place particular focus on the transformation of our commercial portfolio. Compared to our previous chapter as Tragusa, we now have around 50 new products that did not previously exist in our catalogue. But our diversification has been above all qualitative, rather than […]


Investment of over one million in technology and machinery over the next two years

The increase in production capacity achieved by BRANDT Europe over its more than three years of existence has been associated with a powerful investment in infrastructure, machinery and technology, of over one million euros, provided by its North American parent company. But its plans for the future are just as ambitious. In fact, BRANDT Europe […]