

CONASH is a high-density phosphopotassic liquid fertilizer based on bipotassic phosphate and trace elements.

BRANDT® Algar™ Plus™

BRANDT® Algar™ Plus™ is an organic biostimulant composed of seaweed extracts that helps plants to overcome the most critical phases during their growth, especially when subjected to different types of stress.

BRANDT® Algar™

BRANDT® Algar™ is an organic biostimulant composed of highly purified seaweed extracts that can be applied to arable, woody and ornamental crops.


KOX es un fungicida y bactericiza de contacto con acción preventiva, recomendado en el control de oomicosis (mildius), repilo, y otras enfermedades causadas por hongo endoparásitos y bacterias

suplemento nutricional brandt smart cu

BRANDT® Smart Cu

BRANDT® Smart Cu is a high efficiency copper foliar nutritional supplement that provides farmers with a fast and effective way to apply copper.

suplemento foliar brandt b mo

BRANDT® Smart B-Mo™

BRANDT® Smart B-Mo is a boron and molybdenum foliar supplement that is stable and compatible in a wide range of mixtures, including acidic pH solutions and micronutrients.

suplemento nutricional brandt smart b


BRANDT® Smart B is a new boron foliar supplement that is stable and compatible in a wide range of mixtures, including acidic pH solutions and micronutrient mixtures.

suplemento nutricional smart mn plus

BRANDT® Smart Mn Plus

BRANDT® Smart Mn Plus is a high-efficiency manganese nutritional supplement that provides farmers with a fast and effective way to apply manganese.

  • En el tanque: Produciendo una mezcla uniforme y una mayor compatibilidad con los productos de sanidad vegetal, micro elementos y otros fertilizantes.
  • En la superficie de la hoja mejora la adhesividad, la uniformidad y la penetración gracias a su molécula de bajo peso molecular.
  • En el interior de la planta mejora la entrega del micronutriente a través del floema.
  • BRANDT® Smart System contiene Manganeso. El Manganeso forma parte importante de la respiración, mejora la fotosíntesis y aumenta los niveles de clorofila en la planta.

    BRANDT® Smart Zn

    BRANDT® SMART Zn is a high-efficiency zinc foliar nutritional supplement that provides farmers with a fast and effective way to apply zinc during the season.