
bioestimulante brandt biomaster

BRANDT® Bio-Master™

BRANDT® Bio-Master™ is a special formulation of high value natural biostimulants and essential micronutrients for crops, applied at any time, from seed germination to just before harvesting.

BRANDT® HD NPK (21-21-21 w/v)

BRANDT® HD is a complete line of NPK fertilisers with a high content of key micronutrients, in the form of a high density suspension concentrate. BRANDT® HD is formulated with a unique technology that produces very small, water-soluble particles, thus providing high nutritional efficiency to plants during critical stages of growth and enabling a better yield per hectare. BRANDT® HD is not a gel, but a flowable and stable suspension. It is easy to dose and dissolve in water, which will save you a lot of time when preparing spray tank mixes.

Data sheets

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BRANDT® HD (10-50-10 w/v)

BRANDT® HD is a complete line of NPK fertilisers with a high content of key micronutrients, in the form of a high-density suspension concentrate. BRANDT® HD is formulated with a unique technology that produces very small, water-soluble particles, thus providing high nutritional efficiency to plants during critical stages of growth and enabling a better yield per hectare. BRANDT® HD is not a gel, but a flowable and stable suspension. It is easy to dose and dissolve in water, which will save you a lot of time when preparing spray tank mixes.

Data sheets

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BRANDT® HD K (10-10-60 w/v)

The BRANDT® HD K (10-10-60 w/v) NPK fertiliser has a high content of micronutrients. Formulated with a unique technology.

Potas 2-32

A source of EDTA chelated potassium to increase fruit quality and size and their degrees Brix. Rapid plant uptake.


Krypton is an organic liquid fertiliser that provides plants with the amino acids and peptides they need, allowing them to save the energy required for synthesis.


Humisol is a humic amendment composed of humic and fulvic acids in the form of a soluble liquid. Its origin ranges from duly selected and treated vegetable matter to leonardite and various mixtures of organic matters.

Falcon Humic

FALCON™ Humic is a natural biostimulant composed of the plant and microbial organic matter of which humus is comprised. It is an NPK solution, i.e., its main nutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, made from high quality raw material together with microelements that are essential during the transplanting and rooting stage, enriched with humic and fluvic acids.

Falcon V

FALCON™ V is a natural biostimulant for crops that increases their vigour and boosts their resistance to abiotic stress and diseases.