
News, Agricultural production

BRANDT® InVigo= -less investment +yield

In this animated video, you can discover directly how BRANDT InVigo contributes to improved fruit set, size and quality. It shows how this technology optimizes rooting, flowering and final production. The result: less investment and greater yield!


The newspaper “elEconomista Andalucía” highlights the international growth of BRANDT® Europe

The newspaper “elEconomista Andalucía” recently dedicated its Internationalization section to an article (click HERE to see it) about our company. With PDF and digital versions, the article highlights BRANDT Europe’s growth in recent years, the new international markets entered, the generation of new products, based on innovation and continuous research, and the company’s commitment to […]


Logramos un 13% más de producción/hectárea de olivar con el suplemento BRANDT® Manni-Plex® B Moly en La Carlota (Córdoba)

Recientemente nuestro equipo comercial en Andalucía Occidental llevó a cabo un ensayo para comprobar el efecto de aplicación de nuestros suplementos foliares de boro BRANDT Manni-Plex B Moly y BRANDT Smart B-Mo sobre una finca de olivar, variedad arbequina, de La Carlota (Córdoba). La aplicación, 10 días antes del cuajado de frutos, ofreció interesantes resultados […]


The dream of ‘Jesús el Bala’, our dream

BRANDT Europe’s philosophy is, within its limitations, focused on helping and collaborating with different sports, cultural and social actions such as sponsorships and institutional support. In this sense, our company is closely connected to sport in general, and to motor sport in particular. That is why this year we have decided to give our full […]


Aumento del 20% del número de piezas de melón Cantaloup Jacobo con la aplicación de In-Vigo y Manni-Plex

BRANDT Europe ha desarrollado una tecnología que aumenta hasta en un 20 % el número de piezas de melón Cantaloup Jacobo dentro de los calibres comerciales y un 5 % de los calibres extra (más de 1 kilo). El ensayo, realizado en el Paraje de la Habana, en Adra (Almería) en una superficie de 4.000 […]


BRANDT Europe receives a recognition from Carmona City Council on Andalusia Day

On February 28th, Manuel González, the Managing Director of BRANDT Europe, received the recognition awarded to the company by Carmona City Council during its traditional Andalusia Day ceremony. Carmona City Council granted this award to our company “for its commitment to the city in terms of job creation and its important collaboration in the city’s […]


February 24th: webinar to analyse the new technologies in the melon and watermelon sector

On Wednesday February 24th, from 5 pm, BRANDT Europe will offer a webinar to analyse the latest advances in innovation and new technologies applied to the melon and watermelon sector. The online event, which will be held on the agricultural audiovisual content platform, will feature 6 expert speakers, who will talk about the current […]

News, Plant nutrition

Video: BRANDT Smart System, intelligent foliar nutrition

BRANDT Smart System is our unique technology adapted to the EU market that improves plant health and crop yield. It is an intelligent foliar nutrition technology that removes the need for irrigation and puts an end to the common disadvantages of herbicides such as the yellowing and deterioration of crops, increasing production while also improving […]


BRANDT begins marketing its products in the United Kingdom following its agreement with the distributor Hockley International

As part of the international expansion strategy implemented in 2020 to Eastern Europe (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine) and North Africa, BRANDT Europe has opened up its specialty products to the UK market thanks to an exclusive agreement signed with Hockley Agro UK, a division of Hockley International Ltd, a large input distributor based in Manchester, England. […]