Data sheets
300 cc/100 L
Foster growth and improve defense against stressful situations
200-400 cc/100 L
Favours vegetative development and a greater number of fertile flowers
200-250 cc/100 L
Better flowering and fruit setting
300 cc/100 L
Foster growth and improve defense against stressful situations
200-400 cc/100 L
Favours vegetative development and a greater number of fertile flowers
200-250 cc/100 L
Better flowering and fruit setting
200-400 cc/100 L
Favours vegetative development and a greater number of fertile flowers
300 cc/100 L
Corrector of multiple deficiencies
Fruit setting
300 cc/100 L
Prevent and correct iron chlorosis
100 cc/100 L
Foster growth and improve defense against stressful situations
200-250 cc/100 L
Better flowering and fruit setting
Fruit development
300-400 cc/100 L
Better ripening and colour of the fruit
250-300 cc/100 L
It increases cell division and reduces fruit drop
300-400 cc/100 L
Better ripening and colour of the fruit
250-300 cc/100 L
It increases cell division and reduces fruit drop