

BRANDT® Invigo: bioestimulante – antiestrés que disminuye la fitotoxicidad por salinidad en los arrozales

La salinidad del agua de riego es uno de los problemas que desde hace unos años viene afectando al cultivo del arroz en la zona del Guadalquivir, con aproximadamente 36.000 ha de cultivo y dividida por el rio Guadalquivir en la margen derecha con 24.000 ha y la margen izquierda con 12.000 ha de cultivo, […]

News, Agricultural production

BRANDT® InVigo= -less investment +yield

In this animated video, you can discover directly how BRANDT InVigo contributes to improved fruit set, size and quality. It shows how this technology optimizes rooting, flowering and final production. The result: less investment and greater yield! BRANDT Europe


The newspaper “elEconomista Andalucía” highlights the international growth of BRANDT® Europe

The newspaper “elEconomista Andalucía” recently dedicated its Internationalization section to an article (click HERE to see it) about our company. With PDF and digital versions, the article highlights BRANDT Europe’s growth in recent years, the new international markets entered, the generation of new products, based on innovation and continuous research, and the company’s commitment to […]