Krypton Gold

Biostimulante de aminoácidos libres BRANDT Kypton Gold

Krypton Gold is a biostimulant with free amino acids of animal origin, used in periods when plants have greater needs, such as vegetative growth, flower formation and differentiation and fruit setting. It is also used on plants subjected to stress conditions such as: nutritional deficiencies, water imbalances, extreme temperatures, the application of post-emergence herbicides, during transplanting, toxicity caused by the incorrect application of an herbicide or due to viral conditions or diseases.

  • Advantages
  • Crops
  • Applications and use
  • Composition
  • Nutritional Composition
  • Sheets


It is characterised for:

Total solubility in water.

Rapid absorption.

A systemic translocation in the aerial parts of plants.

Performs biologically useful actions such as:

  • Nutritional regulator
  • Anti-stress
  • Surfactant
  • Soil conditioner


Chard, Chicory, Avocado, Garlic, Garlic, Apricot, Artichoke, Alfalfa, Cotton, Almond, Celery, Blueberry, Rice, Hazelnut, Oats, Aubergine, Broccoli, Bulbs and fodder roots, Pumpkin, Lamb's lettuce, Persimmon, Chestnut, Barley, Onion, Rye, Cherry, Grass, Shallot, Custard apple, Plum, Carnation, Chinese cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Cauliflower, Rape, Endive, Asparagus, Spinach, Raspberry, Strawberry, Chickpea, Sunflower, Gramineae, Pomegranate, Gooseberry, Pea, Fava bean, Ornamental herb, Herbs, Fig, Prickly pear, Grain bean, Green bean, Kiwi, Lettuce, Fodder legumes, Ornamental woody, Lentil, Lime, Flax, Hops, Maize, Mandarin, Mango, Apple, Peach, Melon, Quince, Blackberry, Orange, Narcissus, Nectarine, Loquat, Walnut, Olive, Ornamental Palm, Papaya, Potato, Cucumber, Pear, Persimmon, Pepper, Pineapple, Pistachio, Banana, Grapefruit, Leek, Radish, Sugar beet, Beetroot, Cabbage, Salsify, Watermelon, Soy, Tobacco, Tomato, Wheat, Triticale, Grapevines, Carrot

Applications and use

Foliar 250-300 cc/hL

Fertigation 15-20 l/ha in various treatments


15% free amino acids - animal origin

6 % Org. N

40 % MO

Nutritional Composition

Amino acids of animal origin
