

The newspaper “Diario de Sevilla” reports on how the application of Brandt InVigo and Brandt Manni-plex increases the number of Jacobo Cantaloupe melon fruits by up to 20%

BRANDT Europe has developed a technology that increases the number of Jacobo Cantaloupe melon fruits by up to 20% in commercial sizes and by 5% in extra sizes (over 1 kilo), as reported in this article by the newspaper “Diario de Sevilla”. The trial, conducted in the area of La Habana, in Adra (Almeria) on […]


We double our specialty product turnover in three years

Our specialty products continue to gain weight within Brandt Europe’s overall turnover. These products will reach 6 million sales by the end of 2020, up from 3.1 million in 2018. In two years, we have therefore doubled sales of our higher value-added products, which already account for more than a quarter of our turnover. This […]


Video: our new range of organic products

We have recently launched a new organic line with 16 products: specialty products, generic plant nutrition products and fungicides. This catalogue expansion stems from our commitment to the development of a sustainable and competitive agriculture, as summarized in the following video: BRANDT Europe