
Humisol is a humic amendment composed of humic and fulvic acids in the form of a soluble liquid. Its origin ranges from duly selected and treated vegetable matter to leonardite and various mixtures of organic matters.

Its use improves the physicochemical characteristics of the soil, such as its structure and cation exchange capacity and promotes microbial life.

Packaging: 5 L, 20 L, 200 L, 1000 L 

  • Advantages
  • Crops
  • Applications and use
  • Composition
  • Nutritional Composition


Humisol is a humic amendment, composed of humic and fulvic acids in the form of soluble liquid, its origin derives from duly selected vegetable matter and treated to leonardite through various mixtures of organic materials. Its use improves the physicochemical characteristics of the soil, such as its structure and its cation exchange capacity and favors microbial life.

Overall, plants develop a better root system and have more nutrients available in assimilable form. There is the same amount of active humic and fulvic acids in five litres of HUMISOL as in humus from 1500 kg of good manure.


Chard, Chicory, Avocado, Garlic, Garlic, Apricot, Artichoke, Alfalfa, Cotton, Almond, Celery, Blueberry, Rice, Hazelnut, Oats, Aubergine, Broccoli, Bulbs and fodder roots, Pumpkin, Lamb's lettuce, Persimmon, Chestnut, Barley, Onion, Rye, Cherry, Grass, Shallot, Custard apple, Plum, Carnation, Chinese cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Cauliflower, Rape, Endive, Asparagus, Spinach, Raspberry, Strawberry, Chickpea, Sunflower, Gramineae, Pomegranate, Gooseberry, Pea, Fava bean, Ornamental herb, Herbs, Fig, Prickly pear, Grain bean, Green bean, Kiwi, Lettuce, Fodder legumes, Ornamental woody, Lentil, Lime, Flax, Hops, Maize, Mandarin, Mango, Apple, Peach, Melon, Quince, Blackberry, Orange, Narcissus, Nectarine, Loquat, Walnut, Olive, Ornamental Palm, Papaya, Potato, Cucumber, Pear, Persimmon, Pepper, Pineapple, Pistachio, Banana, Grapefruit, Leek, Radish, Sugar beet, Beetroot, Cabbage, Salsify, Watermelon, Soy, Tobacco, Tomato, Wheat, Triticale, Grapevines, Carrot

Applications and use

Humic and fulvic acids are chemically ill-defined compounds and constitute the most “qualified” part of organic matter.

They are extracted from humidified organic matter (manure, peat, lignite, oxidized lignite, etc.) and applied to the soil to improve its physical, chemical and biological characteristics while balancing the nutrient solution.

They form humates and fulvates with the cations of the soil, thus avoiding retrogradation.

They act on the mineral compounds by unlocking the elements that compose them, fix the nutrients provided with the fertilizers decreasing the losses by leaching, activate the native microbial flora increasing the mineralization and fixation of atmospheric nitrogen and other elements that condition fertility, favor the development of the root system and increase cell permeability facilitating the absorption of nutrients.

Normally they are applied directly to the soil, but when the manufacturing process is adequate they can be applied in fertigation and by foliar route in mixture with plant protection products.

It is recommended to use it mixed with the corresponding chelate, to control of deficiencies.

General Irrigation blanket Up to complete 60-120 l/ha and biological cycle 2-3 doses of 30-40 l/ha
General Irrigation of total coverage Up to complete 50-100 L/ha and biological cycle 3-4 doses of 20-25 l/ha
General Irrigation localized Up to complete 20-45 l/ha and biological cycle 4-7 doses 5-15 l/ha
General A full surface in place of manure At the end of winter and at the beginning of the crop season 10 time more than the recommended doses
General Foliar spray First third or first half of the crop 150-300 cc/hl
General The cuttings, paws, seedlings are immersed in the mixture. As a rooting Mixture at a rate of 0,5-1 l/hl
Alfalfa Irrigation After each cut of 45-65 l/ha 2-7 applications
Grass Irrigation All year until reaching 150-200 l/ha Divided into 7 contributions
Citrus Irrigation In spring and summer budding in pre-flowering and curdling and fattening of the fruit until reaching 40-60 l/ha 25-60 cc/ft in 4-7 contributions until reaching 100-300 cc/ft
Floral Irrigation First growth stages and preflowering until reaching 80-120 l/ha 7,5-12,5 cc/ft
Strawberry Irrigation 75-130 l/ha, 40% with the bottom fertilizer and rest throughout the crop One dose of 40-75 l/ha & 3-4 de 10-15 l/ha
Fruit of bone and nugget Irrigation Preflowering, setting and fattening of the fruit until reaching 30-50 l/h 25-60 cc/ft in 4-7 contributions until reaching 100-300 cc/ft
Tropical fruits Irrigation Preflowering, curdling and fattening of the fruit until reaching 25-60 cc/ft in 4-7 contributions until reaching 100-300 cc/ft
Horticulture outdoor Irrigation 50-80 l/ha in pre-plant or pre-transplant and throughout the crio Distributed in 4-5 irrigations
Corn Irrigation Until 45-65 l/ha Distributed in 2-7 irrigations
Olive tree Irrigation 25-30 l/ha applied in strping and to bone hardening 2 doses of 10-15 l/ha
Banana Irrigation 25-40 l/ha from the birth of the child 7,5-12,5 cc/ft 2-7 irrigations
Tobacco Irrigation 50-60 l/ha pre-transplantation or transplantation and during the first old plants Distributed in 5-6 irrigations
Vine and vineyard Irrigation before budding, in pre-post-flowering and at the beginning of the growing season 20-35 cc/ft repeating 4 times
Horticulture in greenhouse Irrigation 60-100 l/ha in pre-seeding or pre-transplantation and throughout the crop  Distributed in 4-5 irrigations


Total humic extract: 15.12 % (65 % s.m.s.) in the form of a soluble liquid

  • Humic acids: 9.0 %
  • Fulvic acids: 7.0 %

Organic matter: 12.0 %

Density: 1.13 g/cc

pH: 14

Raw material used: 100 % Leonardite Class A: heavy metal content below the limits authorised for this classification.

Nutritional Composition

Fulvic acids, humic acids