BRANDT® Agra Sol Micro Mix
BRANDT® Agra Sol Micro Mix is a concentrated micronutrient complex designed for foliar or ground application for plant nutrition. This product may be added to granular fertilizer formulations.
- Applications and use
- Composition
- Nutritional Composition
Applications and use
Rate Recommendations
Row and Vegetable Crops:
Apply 1-4 lb per acre as needed.
ULV and Aerial Application:
Apply rates above in 5-15 gallons of water per acre. For professional use, apply every 7-28 days, as needed.
Fine Turf (Warm or Cool Season Turfgrasses)
Putting Greens and Tees
- Maintenance: 3-9 lbs. oer acre. Apply in a minimum of 88 gallons of water or irrigate with 0.25 ubcges if water after application.
- Overseeding: 1-3 lbs. per acre, applied every 7-14 days after germination and plants have reached the 3 tiller phase. Most effective when used as part of an overall overseeding nutritional program. Apply in a minimum of 88 gallons of water or irrigate with 0.25 inches of water after application.
- Maintenance: 3-9 lbs. per acre. Apply in a minimum of 88 gallons of water or irrigate with 0.25 inches of water after application.
- Overseeding: 1-3 lbs. per acre, applied every 7-14 days after germination and plants have reached the 3 tiller phase. Most effective when used as part of an overall overseeding nutritional program. Apply in a minimum of 88 gallons of water or irrigate with 0.25 inches of water after application.
Tree and shrub maintenance: For deep root feeding inject 2.5-5 lbs. per 100
gallons of water per inch of trunk diameter at chest height. Apply 4-8 lbs. per 100 gallons of water as a drench. Apply drench throughout the year or during drought stress conditions.
Optimum rate of application will vary depending on soil properties (such as pH, organic matter content, texture), weather conditions, time of year, plant species and general health. For best results, follow soil/tissue test recommendation.
Fairways, Sports Turf and Lawns
Ornamental Plants
Mixing and Handling Instructions
Fill mix tank with 2/3 of required water volume and begin agitation. Add products in this order, mixing thoroughly after each addition: adjuvants, pesticides, then fertilizers.
Fill tank with remainder of water and continue agitation until solution is completely mixed. BRANDT AGRA SOL MICRO MIX is compatible with nonphosphorous liquid fertilizers.
Check chemical mixture compatibility using a jar test prior to application.