BRANDT EUROPE, S.L., as a producer and marketer of Agrochemical Phytosanitary and Biostimulant products for use in Plant Health and Nutrition, is fully aware of the environmental and strategic importance of the resources it manages and assumes as a fundamental part of its mission, actively contributing to the correct management and control of the aspects that influence the Environment, in a manner compatible with sustainable development, competitiveness and adaptation to the Social Environment.
It considers all external or internal issues that affect achieving the expected results identifying everything that may affect the business. The needs and expectations of the stakeholders, the risks and opportunities that need to be addressed have all been taken into account, and quality objectives consistent with the established policy are established.
A significant effort is being made to adapt the management and facilities to the current environmental regulations and regulations by using the best available technologies, adopting the necessary measures to avoid or minimize the environmental impacts that their actions may generate, and optimizing all our processes.
The Quality and Environment Policy is based on each organization’s members’ permanent and integrated action to continuously improve the products and services supplied to our customers. This Quality and Environment Policy, within the scope defined in BRANDT EUROPE, S.L., is specified in the following points:
- The definition, development, implementation, maintenance, and certification of an Integrated Quality and Environmental Management System that meets the requirements of UNE-EN-ISO 9001 and UNE-EN-ISO 14001 standards.
- Comply with and exceed all legal and regulatory requirements.
- BRANDT EUROPE, S.L., identifies the environmental aspects of the activities, products, or services it provides and those that we can influence to determine those that have or may have significant impacts on the Environment, in addition to all associated environmental aspects, taking into account a life cycle perspective of our product.
- We are committed to making the necessary efforts to train, train and sensitize personnel on the environmental aspects, impacts, and quality specifications that their job and our organization require.
- Delivering quality requirements and environmental protection is encouraged in front of our service providers and goods.
- We work on the modernization of resources and the use of raw materials that allow the company to prevent and minimize consumption, emissions, and harmful environmental effects, in spatial waste generation, as well as the prevention of pollution in its various forms. In this way, we work together to protect the Environment.
- Continue with the investment policy to ensure competitiveness, improvement of production processes, quality management, and the minimization of adverse environmental impacts.
- In terms of quality, efforts are made to identify the needs of our customers and their satisfaction.
- To ensure that our products’ quality is clearly different from other companies in our activity.
- Promote compliance with quality and environmental objectives that allow continuous improvement. These objectives are specified and deployed in specific goals, periodically evaluated and approved by management within the quality and environment committees.
- Achieve the integration of our company’s employees while maintaining the company’s interculturality.
BRAND EUROPE, S.L., is committed to ensuring that its Quality and Environment policy is understood, implemented, and updated at all levels of the organisation. It is available to all relevant stakeholders (shareholders, employees, customers, authorities, and the general public).
Manuel González Domínguez
Manager of BRANDT EUROPE, S.L.